House of Wacks by Denise Gwen

Story: 7
Presentation: 9
Total: 16
Publisher: The WIld Rose Press
Young Adult
To Purchase

Blurb: Little did Jordan Meadows realize, when Dad insisted she get a job, it would turn out to be such an amazing summer! Who would have guessed that all her eyebrow, bikini, and leg waxes at Tranquility Spa would pay off as job experience? Working behind the scenes on the set of House of Wax IX: Return of the Revengenator, she becomes the go-to girl for paraffin wax. Then she meets Keith Charles, a band nerd from her high school. Between draping his freckled arms with wax and making sure he looks extra clotty, she’s stunned to find herself falling in love with someone outside her own clique. As filming and the summer draw to a close, she’s a changed girl, for sure. She's made friends with people she never would have associated with at North High School, but what about her friends, the awesome foursome? Should she break up with Keith, since he’s not a member of her exclusive, inner circle? Or is it time to branch out and make new friends?

Review: A great little page turner to add to the YA line in any library. The trials and tribulations of teen years can be difficult......Okay, okay, they are difficult. For everyone. The teen, parents, friends. It's all about finding out who you are, coming into your own, growing up and taking responsability. This story did a wonderful job at covering all the basis.
Many congrats Ms Gwen. And here is to many more :)

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