Karaoke Cowgirl by Stacy Dawn

Story: 8
Presentation: 9
Total: 17
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Sweet Cowboy Contemporary
To Purchase

Blurb: How far would you go to attract the man of your dreams? Ally Standish re-invents herself every Saturday night to sing for her cowboy. But when they come face to face in the light of a normal day—and he discovers the real Ally—will he let her sing him more love songs or will the music die for good.

Review: I love a good sweet story that makes me smile and leaves me with a fuzzy light hearted feeling when it is over. Every Saturday night these two go through the same old song and dance. They are drawn to each other but feel certain they just aren't good enough for the other.

I got a good chuckle at the end when they finally meet "face to face". A cute ending for a really cute story. I will be on the look out for more from Ms Dawn as she did a great job crafting a wonderful little romance with great characters, a good story line and all the believability you can pack into such a short story. :) Was a Winner for me :)
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  1. Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the story!

    Stacy Dawn

  2. A lovely review, Stacy. The story sounds wodnerful. Celia
