Story: 8
Presentation: 8
Total: 16
Publisher: Class Act Books
YA Fantasy
To Purchase
Blurb: On the surface, Gillian Stone has it all: wealth, beauty, and the freedom to come and go as she pleases…at least from sunset to dawn. From dawn to dusk, she’s grounded in several hundred pounds of marble. And if that’s not bad enough, her life expectancy is preordained to be short…unless, she can find a certain genie and reverse the wish-spell.
Review: This was a really good story. Well developed characters and plot. Interesting and engaging premise. All delivered with a bang. With all the problems that most young women face, who needs problems like this. Great secondary characters only added to the dynamic of the story and gave it a very well rounded feel. Very nicely done Ms Cox.
Thanks for the review:)